Landscape & Garden Update 14.04.16

Working in the landscape garden of Compton Verney is a real treat. On any given day I can see a new-to-me bird species, a flower bloom for the first time of the season or a unique cloud formation. Just now, the structure of the site is changing as deciduous shrubs and trees gain their leaves, closing off vistas and increasing the intimacy of the woodland walks.

Right now, as the ground begins to warm, Continue reading

Horticulture Apprentice Wanted – Landscape and Garden

Horticulture Apprentice Vacancy for the Landscape and Garden of Compton Verney.


Maybe not on the surface your average garden; at least not in most people’s imagination. A property like Compton Verney does however support a surprising amount of horticultural activity, requiring much knowledge, planning and care. Continue reading

They call me Capability Brown

Below is a colourful, informative and entertaining video, the latest offering from CB300 HQ, or the Capability Brown Festival team to be more precise, and in support of the 2016 year of celebration.

It’s a fast pace film so hold on to your horses, and remember to keep your eyes peeled for a view of the landscape at Compton Verney! Just click on the play icon below, or click on the following link to catch your five minute Brownian whirlwind tour!

Click Here.



compton_verney_logo__medium  CB Logo BLACK

Shakespeare and ‘Capability’ Brown at Compton Verney

Compton Verney Art Gallery and Park in south Warwickshire has now opened for the 2016 season with two stunning and well received exhibitions: SHAKESPEARE IN ART – Tempests, Tyrants and Tragedy, and BOYDELL’S VISION – The Shakespeare Gallery in the 18th Century.

It is clear that these exhibitions were scheduled to coincide with the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, but in addition to those mentioned, there is another anniversary to explore, to discover and enjoy this year at Compton Verney. Continue reading